"Exceptional results come from blending wisdom with action, know when to follow the beaten path, when to explore new horizons, and always think critically along the way."
Rise Capital Investments
I do find a lot of value in mainstream ideas that are popular for a reason. Some things I do are very conservative and others are pretty out there (but never my wardrobe that's minimal gray and black because I hate shopping!)
If I need to take a different path because after trying a mainstream one first it didn't work for me, I prefer to follow other trailblazers who are early adopters, and it's important to me to not reinvent any wheels someone else has already refined.
Be open to new ideas of unconventional thinking and experiment with what works while also not destroying what works just for the sake of being different.
I employ both approaches of weighing well-worn paths against potential new horizons in many areas of my life. Sometimes I just keep doing things like everyone else has always done it. Others, I go rogue and seek out a small group swimming together way out in the same uncharted waters
Many of us swimming out there, even when together, take a lot of criticism for being weird, or are even accused of being weird just to be contrary. There are many examples of unconventional approaches in my life such as my business, investing, personal care, parenting, education, health care, and more. There's value in having a tribe and community to emulate, and with the world wide internet, even the most off-the-wall approaches haves tribes who have been-there-done-that to guide us.
It's easy to tumble down a slippery slope and fall prey to propaganda of fringe groups. Once in the "tribe," changing our minds is close to impossible without losing the entire social group.
It's the CRITICAL THINKING that helps me decide when the conventional wisdom is a good fit for me, where to look for alternatives, and how to avoid getting too far into irrational thought. We're all a mixed bag of conventional and alternative approaches. We need to use our analysis skills to be open minded enough to consider alternatives without our minds being so open that our brain falls out!
If we want something different in life than what most are doing, we need to do something different.
Being wealthy is unusual, but enough people have done it that we have a pattern to follow if we find a group to emulate.
If we were raised in a wealthy family or area, we are surrounded by potential inspiring mentors. We can bypass the insecurity, self doubt, and worry because we have so many examples of people similar to ourselves who have already achieved what we want.
But if we weren't raised in privilege, where can we find that network to learn from and emulate?
You're in a great place to find a group of people to get to know, and start getting to know those people by "social stalking" before deciding which to reach out to via individual direct messages or phone call.
These have become a cliché, getting you into a never-ending email drip campaign in exchange for that "free" call. But these phone calls are a vital way to get to know people before working with or investing with them. Ask about opting out, but email is the best way to find out about new deals and opportunities as they arise.
Online and local investing clubs are pretty easy to find, but harder to make ourselves go to especially in the evenings after work. But they are important to creating relationships that yield introduction and opportunities. Passive income takes work to set up and stay dialed into the community even if you are not working directly in a business that's earning the passive income. Just like other money you work for, stay focused and serious.
Finally, learning may feel good, but it's no substitute for action.
Preparation is vital, but it does not replace actually doing the thing! Pick a timeline, pick an amount, specific parameters, and make a decision.