Rise Capitals Articles To Educate And Inspire

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Best Ever Update on Best Ever

April 22, 20243 min read

"Networking isn't just about exchanging business cards, it's about building trust and fostering real connections that pave the way to unparalleled opportunities in real estate investing."

- Rise Capital

What We Learned from Hanging Out With the Best Real Estate Investors in the Country

If you spent 4 days hanging out with the top real estate investors in the country in the largest real estate investing conference of the year, what would you learn?

Here are Rise Capital's top takeaways from our team's experience being together for the first time and meeting with thousands of other investors!

Rise Capital After Party on First Night was a Huge Success!

Lesson 1: Networking Isn't a Waste of Time

We analyzed our investor database recently and found something surprising!

Over 90% of our investors have met us in person at least one time before investing.

Takeaway: Especially early on, building authentic in person relationships is key to building trust and doing business together. Networking is a skill, and focusing on building that skill is essential to bringing the best opportunities to ready investors.

Live Podcasting Rooms

Lesson 2: Getting Ready for Opportunities Coming

From Neal Bawa's data-driven prediction presentation for markets and products where opportunities lie to talking to hundreds of investors sharing stories from the past 12 months of market fluctuations, we see patterns emerging.

Takeaway: Having a short term investing plan such as private lending keeps money moving while waiting for longer-term deals. This is why Rise Capital fund focuses on diversification between lending and equity deals so our capital has a job no matter what the market is doing!

Avestor Meetup for Fund Managers, Changing How You Invest Forever

Lesson 3: Learning from Success and Avoiding Pitfalls

Not only are deals and capital flowing when people get together and focus on building, we learn from one another to position better and avoid traps.

We heard some great warnings such as talking to potential investors, how to structure insurance policies, negotiating with lenders, saving money on taxes, recovering after a fire or storm, handling rising interest rates, and so much more.

Our vendors, service providers, and support teams were also in attendance where we heard about new features, learned to use the tools more efficiently, and ultimately found ways to better serve our properties, investors, and tenants.

Takeaway: Share stories of success and failure because we all learn so much from others' experiences.


Get yourself out there!

If you are avoiding in-person meetings, they can be a great catalyst for taking action and making investments with people you can trust.

If you don't have access to in-person events, online meetings and phone calls are great substitutes to live meetings where you can still build relationships.

No matter how you are able to or choose to network, there's no substitute for trust.

Learn from the best in the business as we dive into more detail on our key takeaways, tips, tricks, and hacks in our next evening "After Hours With Rise" event. Register HERE for calendar reminders, and see you soon!

This business may be financial at its core, but it runs on people.

Multifamily Real EstateInvestmentRisk ManagementTax AdvantagesPassive IncomeHigh ReturnsReal Estate InvestingEntrepreneurshipNetworking
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Emma Powell

Emma Powell is a seasoned commercial real estate investor specializing in multifamily properties. With a strong belief in the importance of knowledge and risk mitigation in investments, Emma has dedicated their career to mastering the art of passive real estate investing. Leveraging various financial tools, such as self-directed IRAs, 401(k)s, 1031 exchanges, dividend-paying whole life insurance, HELOCs, and discretionary income, Emma has successfully built a diverse portfolio while enjoying passive cash flow, tax advantages, and substantial returns.

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